The productivity of a company refers to the relationship between the production of goods or services and the means that are put in place to achieve it. In other words, productivity is a measure of a company’s effectiveness. And, as we know, the more efficient a company is, the more profitable it will be. It is therefore not surprising that business leaders are looking to increase their productivity. There are different ways to do this and you probably know some of them if you are running a SME.  Today, MonTechnicien shows you how well secured systems contribute to the growth of your organization.

Work from anywhere  

With the digitisation of equipment, new working methods are emerging: teleworking, shared spaces… These methods often involve the use of new equipment such as external wifi networks, mobile phones or remote servers. Well secured, these work tools improve your employees’ working conditions and, consequently, their work performance. They can work from home or outside the office without being slowed down by a security breach on their mobile tools.

Reduce downtime

Time is money! The maxim is especially true in the corporate world. When an organization is the victim of a cyber attack or virus, its computer equipment can quickly be under maintenance or, even worse, unusable for an indefinite period of time. For example, by securing your devices with antivirus software, you anticipate these problems and control downtime if you are confronted with them.

Develop the trust of partners, customers and future employees

A company with a well-secured and robust system is a trustworthy company. By demonstrating that you can control risks and be responsive in the event of an attack (or that you have entrusted your IT system to our dedicated team) through an encrypted email to your partners or an online website offering secure transactions to your customers, you have all the cards in hand to grow your business. 

Finally, focus on the essential

To perform well, your teams must focus on their strengths and specialities. With regular data backups, timely updates and a reduction in the risk of loss or theft of sensitive information, you offer your employees the opportunity to use the tools optimally and, in this way, to be a genuine driving force in your business.

As we have seen, well-protected equipment means better productivity. This can have a positive impact on the entire company. You don’t know where to start? Discover our solutions that promote productivity in your organization!