We saw it last month: A cloud: A must for your business. It allows data to be stored and synchronized online on an external server. It provides many advantages: dematerialization, access to business documents at all times, even when on the move, reduction of administrative costs… The question is no longer whether companies should give up their local servers or not, but rather whether the data they transmit to the cloud providers is secure. A vulneraibility in cloud security can lead to significant risks for the company, such as the use of information by a competitor or the loss of data.
My Technician will assist you in protecting your company data with a few simple questions that will help you get a clearer picture.
Have you chosen the right provider to protect you from cyber attacks?
Cloud services are generally more secure and agile than internal data backup systems. However, not all cloud providers are the same. To choose the right one, find out about its history and reputation (has it ever been the victim of an attack?), its propensity to understand your industry (does it know the regulatory obligations of your industry ?) and its geolocation (what is the legislation in force in the country where the service provider is based?).
❖ Find out how My Technician answers these questions by visiting the Cloud section of the website.
How well do you know your cloud ?
To reduce the risk of hacking, it is important to be familiar with the cloud environment in which you work. The day your cloud provider reports an incident, will you be able to understand and manage it? Do not hesitate to contact your cloud provider regularly.
How is your data transmitted to the cloud?
Your data is more vulnerable when it is in motion. You must therefore ensure that data transmitted to the cloud is protected against loss of confidentiality. How? By encrypting the data you send.
Are your employees well trained?
We can’t repeat it enough: the majority of data theft or data loss does not come from malicious action but from human error. Educating your employees about this new work tool to comply with Cloud best practices is therefore essential. Do not hesitate to set up data protection awareness training and, if necessary, limit access to the Cloud platform to those who can manage it correctly and think about regularly updating the access lists to the platform.